Me The Champ

Ami / Manoj

6 Reviews
I hated every minute of champ training, but I said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and the live the rest of your life as a Champion”.- Muhammad Ali
The winner of first place in a competition
Your child is unique, and lives in an era of endless possibilities, brilliant innovation and unparalleled advancement by humankind. This thought is sure to cross your mind - "If only I could swap places with my child, and fulfil my dreams with so many advantages at hand".
As a parent, you are caught between 2 extremes - the incredible potential of your child, and the complete lack of discipline or interest to become an achiever.
Naturally, as parents WE want the best for our child:
The best education
The best lifestyle
The best gadgets
The best school / college
The best grades....
It is high time we parents learned to let go of the long list of what “WE” want for our children. After all, deep inside, what we all truly wish is for our child to be a Champion.
For most of us, our parenting style is strongly rooted in the way we were raised, whether for better or for worse. So much so, that like the generations before us, we transfer our own desires and dreams on our children, believing that they should accomplish what we could not.
We forget that they are individual souls who have come to fulfil their own destiny. They need not be mini versions of you. They can be achievers in their chosen playing field, and create their own playground.
As parents, do we allow our children to explore, to fall and to rise again? Are we okay accepting their failures? In an ideal world, our role as parents should be to support them, guide them and nudge them in the right direction each time they need us. When we do that, we allow them to blossom and evolve at a pace best suited to their individual personas. We are their guides, their guardians, their facilitators and also their friends.
What if we told you that this is the perfect time to make your child a true champ?
Children observe and absorb everything in their environment They imbibe the teachings, culture and values from the information available around them. With the speed, volume and competition around it becomes important to raise a focussed yet mindful child, who has a strong inner foundation.
So, how do we raise a conscious and mindful child? How do we forge a deep connection with the child, which is free from anxiety, worry, stress and fear.
ImProEx - has designed a deeply engaging and implementable workshop to make your child a winner. ME The Champ - a two day workshop followed by mentoring sessions, ensures that the process continues even after they leave.
Over 3.5 years of working with adults, children and teens, we have come to understand that in the age between 7 and 12 years, children are flexible and ready to be moulded into focussed, creative and passionate individuals, who believe in themselves and their capabilities.
At this age, it is so crucial to teach them to tap into their inner self, and help them discover who they really are. Our specially curated workshop is an inclusive programme that welcomes all children, irrespective of their academic scores, in a fun loving, creative and yet highly motivated environment, that values their uniqueness and believes in their inner genius.
Is your junior a potential Van Gogh, APJ Abdul Kalam, Edison or Da Vinci?
- To identify and break old patterns, habits and beliefs that hold them back
- To discover their hidden spark, so that they can eventually find their Life Purpose
- To become in tune with their true self, and live a life in alignment with their life purpose.
- To get Clarity and Focus about time, goals and priorities.
Are you ready to unlock your child's true potential?
The two day Me The Champ workshop is a fun, engaging, power-packed leadership and achievers' programmed directed at juniors, that works on several levels, to bring out the best in children..
We have witnessed a paradigm shift in our junior participants each time because, being highly sensitive yet equally receptive, they have fewer preconceived notions or blocks to work through. By shifting their awareness towards their immediate environment and channelising their focus towards goals and priorities, our Champs start perceiving the world from a Winner's mindset.
ME THE CHAMP firmly believes that each junior:
- Can build Winners' habits by Choice
- Can be completely in control of their OWN lives
- Can Translate their visions into reality via focussed action.
In nurturing our children, we are raising potential change-makers of the planet.
Let’s take the first step in raising a powerful, conscious and mindful child..
1. Why this Program?
In today’s time where there is a race of focusing on doing, being in action and achieving results expected by parents as they race against the time and peers. In these days’ childhood has become a big war to achieve and win and not lose. It is bad to lose and worse to fail. In some way or the other the child is given a message to win, to run, to chase in order to become deserveable rather than reveal into who they already are.
What if we told you we can help your child look at their life differently? You get a User Manual that can teach you how to use the latest electronic gadget. Unfortunately, when your child was born, or when he is growing up, there is no User Manual to assist you. There is no manual on Parenting!
ME THE CHAMP a two day workshop is out to deliver a completely new Paradigm in your child’s life. In the workshop, they will develop a mindset which opens doors for a new and innovative thinking. They develop a new way of thinking about their life; with respect to their dreams, academics, hobbies and aspirations.
2. Who is ME THE CHAMP for?
Me The Champ is for students/ children from age of 12 to 18.
3. What will my child learn?
Your child develops a mindset which allows them to change their habits and replace them with habits which enhances their performance. They become a master of their life by seeking crystal clear clarity and learning to take ownership and responsibility by implementing tools provided in the workshop. This workshop provides your child an opportunity to develop a whole new set of ‘habits’, enabling him to work with focus & achieve outstanding results. These new habits when practiced will make him effective and productive in dealing with the ever-changing situations, environment, circumstances and challenges he faces.
4. How is Me the Champ different from other motivational courses?
In the workshop we help the child look at how our environment has influenced them profoundly which masks our relationships with people, circumstances and even ourselves. We help them get an awareness of their thought patterns and an identification of the glass ceilings they have imposed on themselves come like a refreshing breath of air. Their approach to life alters dramatically. We inquire and brainstorm into how our individuality was formed how we got created? How we picked our patterns when it all started in our childhood? Why and how did we assemble our habits and attributes that seem to have direct gauge to our success. When they realize how their individuality was emerged to a snap to something we had determined must not be, the result is phenomenal – a primary modification happens.
So, we focus on more on the source of all situations rather than giving them temporary solutions. It is all about implementing and achieving those results which are aligned to their truest version.
5. How long does it take to see results?
Some of our participants have experienced life-changing results immediately after the workshop. Some participants take days or even weeks before noticing results on a mindfulness level. It is important to remember that much of the change is happening subconsciously – which means you may notice the change immediately in you, even if others might. It also is dependent on the kind of influence the student has gone through. If the childhood has some emotional trauma incidents attached it takes some more time for the student to erase that experience.
The more you surrender to the process you will be surprising yourself on how quickly and deeply change occurs to your thought process, the way you perceive and your interactions completely transform.
The program will begin shifting your beliefs about reality from day one. Likewise, all of the exercises you’ll be doing will change your emotional, mental and energetic state immediately. Broader life changes will come over time as you climb to the state of being limitless, but be rest assured as experienced by participants going through this workshop experience profound shifts in their lives faster than they ever thought possible.
6. Program Curriculum
On Day One, we will walk through your life journey and identify with them the influence they have been living with and how it has established them to be the person they are today.
Our children are not an extension of their parents and nor they are meant to be. They are meant to find themselves. To discover themselves and what is their passion? What is their true calling in life? To respond to life in their own unique way, with their own authentic emotions.
We support them in raising their consciousness to understand who they really are. Connecting them to their consciousness and help them understand who they really are.
On Day two of the workshop, we are going to look at THE things to do, to help you TAKE that big leap. We will look at your life goals, something you always dreamt of, something you have always been passionate about. With our tools & support you will make a detailed action plan which is unquestionable and is achievable. You will get the process & system using which you will achieve your goals successfully. Frankly speaking, we just can't stress enough how this is DIFFERENT to what you are currently seeing elsewhere. It's the experience of seeing the invisible getting visible right in front of you.
7. How do I know if the program is right for my child?
Does your child wake up everyday with enthusiasm to learn something new? Does your child react rather than respond? Are you on a journey being a conscious parent raising a conscious child? Is your child connected to you as a friend or a parent? Does your child’s self-worth depend on how the world perceives them? Does your child recognise his/her unique abilities and talents without worrying about the competition around?
This workshop is designed to help unstick those unhealthy habits that stops them from being like somebody rather than their own true self. The workshop is all about putting children in touch with their true inner power. We do that through conscious connection and more than anything else we help them see themselves beyond any perceived limitations.
8. Will my child be supported whenever he needs support?
Yes, we have designed special mentorship which comes along the program. The child is supported anytime they need assistance.
9. How do I support my child after the workshop?
We already have designed a two hour a session in the workshop where we include the parents and help them understand the work we have done with children. During the workshop you and minds learn new resources through exercises, discussions and interactions. Since they learn to discover their true version and gain the confidence to live life with purpose and fulfilment, parents support is utmost required as they would come out as a fresh small little plant. We are going to ask you to step outside the traditional box of parental thinking and reframe everything you thought you knew how children should be raised. With children we expect the parents as well to be mindful and engage and connect with children using emotionally intelligent discipline choices rather than punitive methods because the brain thrives on connection and empathy.

Ami Mandavia
Being a single parent for 18 years and a mother to a teen she knows every element a parent and a child goes through in the relationship. From being a Monster mom to a buddy mom she has lived it all. This is what allows her to work with children from age of 10 – 18 years and gets them to discover their uniqueness and the champion in them

The elder most brother between six cousin siblings and the family has always been looked upon as a role model. His cousins have always faced comparison with him and being like a father figure he supported and guided them, instead of getting under the pressure of comparison how each one of them are magnificent. The way he handled his cousins allowed Manoj to work with teens and children. His nature of bringing in the warmth and the non-judgemental aura allows children to open up to him like a friend.
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